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Free sowing course NL

Step #1 – What Mail Address Do You Want to Use for Your Account? Step 1: Email address What Mail address do you want to use? Step 2: One-time discount Make your start (and the calendar) complete. Unlock Your Sowing Calendar! Ready to revolutionize your gardening...

More about the App

Another app but why? We know what you are thinking, another app… First and foremost, you don’t need to app to use the community. You can also just use your favorite browser to connect with the community. But there is an option for those who do like to use...

More about Garden questions

Ask all your burning Garden questions We know how hard it can be to grow successfully when you first start out. When we started out we wished we could just quickly ask someone and get the answer. For that reason, we decided to create a community.  You now have a place...

More about Masterclasses

Weekly high-quality on-demand Masterclasses A weekly masterclass that takes a subject chosen by the community+ members. We go in great depth on every subject in and around the garden. Think about how to grow carrots, how to sow seeds, how does one plan a garden, or...

Join the community

Beter worden in voorzaaien?? Already 1000+ gardeners have successfully completed the pre-seeding course. Learn all the tips & tricks to successfully start your plants from seed...