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Tubers and Bulbs - Ranunculus & Anemones

Growing ranunculus and anemones from corms can be a beautiful addition to your garden, yet it's a journey that requires precision and knowledge. Luckily, with the right guidance, it's not as challenging as it may seem! Every spring, the vibrant colors and intricate designs of ranunculus, often known as spring roses, captivate garden enthusiasts. And our selection, including popular varieties like the "Cotton Candy" and "Peach" mix ranunculus, offers something to suit every taste. Our anemones, especially the "black and white" and the newly introduced "Unicorn", are a testament to nature's beauty. Dive into our range and cultivate your own floral paradise.
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The Ranunculus Whisperer

As the chill of winter melts away, Nicole anticipates the burst of ranunculus. From the days of February to the bright sun of summer, these flowers, also known as spring roses, stand side by side with tulips and anemones at the florist.

Unearth the Beauty: Where to Begin

The foundation of every blooming ranunculus is its corm. Picture it as the flower's heart, resembling an octopus when dried. And if you're diving into the world of cultivating ranunculus, that's what you should seek. Yet, it's crucial to note that not every ranunculus is destined for bouquets; some are simply meant to beautify gardens.

Timing is Everything

Nicole's experience has taught her the importance of the seasons. The beginning always yields the finest flowers, nurtured during the winter's embrace. However, as summer nears, they bid their farewell. To have them return year after year, they must be planted under optimal conditions, reminiscent of the nurturing of tulip bulbs.

The Quest of the Perfect Environment

Geography plays a pivotal role. While those in milder climates can plant their ranunculus in the golden embrace of autumn, others must wait till winter's end. Yet, in harsher climates, it's best to start only as winter's grip loosens. But regardless of where you are, Nicole's wisdom emphasizes the right moment.

Awakening the Heart: Starting with Corms

The dried corms await rebirth. Immersed in water, they begin to swell, signaling the start of a new life. But this process requires precision. Too long in water and they become fragile, too little and they remain dormant. Once ready, they're planted with their legs down, heralding the onset of a journey from corm to plant.

Challenges and Triumphs

Not every step is without its hurdles. From safeguarding the budding plants against the whims of nature to warding off pests, Nicole shares her tales of combating aphids and protecting her precious blooms from wild animals. Yet, with every challenge, she offers a solution, ensuring that each ranunculus thrives.

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The Ranunculus Whisperer

As the chill of winter melts away, Nicole anticipates the burst of ranunculus. From the days of February to the bright sun of summer, these flowers, also known as spring roses, stand side by side with tulips and anemones at the florist.

Unearth the Beauty: Where to Begin

The foundation of every blooming ranunculus is its corm. Picture it as the flower's heart, resembling an octopus when dried. And if you're diving into the world of cultivating ranunculus, that's what you should seek. Yet, it's crucial to note that not every ranunculus is destined for bouquets; some are simply meant to beautify gardens.

Timing is Everything

Nicole's experience has taught her the importance of the seasons. The beginning always yields the finest flowers, nurtured during the winter's embrace. However, as summer nears, they bid their farewell. To have them return year after year, they must be planted under optimal conditions, reminiscent of the nurturing of tulip bulbs.

The Quest of the Perfect Environment

Geography plays a pivotal role. While those in milder climates can plant their ranunculus in the golden embrace of autumn, others must wait till winter's end. Yet, in harsher climates, it's best to start only as winter's grip loosens. But regardless of where you are, Nicole's wisdom emphasizes the right moment.

Awakening the Heart: Starting with Corms

The dried corms await rebirth. Immersed in water, they begin to swell, signaling the start of a new life. But this process requires precision. Too long in water and they become fragile, too little and they remain dormant. Once ready, they're planted with their legs down, heralding the onset of a journey from corm to plant.

Challenges and Triumphs

Not every step is without its hurdles. From safeguarding the budding plants against the whims of nature to warding off pests, Nicole shares her tales of combating aphids and protecting her precious blooms from wild animals. Yet, with every challenge, she offers a solution, ensuring that each ranunculus thrives.