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Cosmos Xsenia – 50 seeds


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Cosmos bipinnatus Xsenia flower seeds

A head-turning plant with the most stunningly vibrant cosmos flowers you’ve ever seen. Everyone who visits your garden wants to go home with some seedlings. So try to grow a few extra! That’s precisely what you can expect from Cosmos Xsenia.

What truly makes this cosmos variety stand out is its mesmerizing color palette. The first time we introduced Xsenia to our garden, we were genuinely taken aback by the sheer beauty of its intensely hued blossoms. But that’s not all; Xsenia is also a top performer in terms of early blooms. It’s the sprinter of the cosmos world!

What sets Xsenia apart even further is its compact growth habit, reaching a modest height of only 60 cm (about 24 inches). This makes it the perfect choice for those seeking a full, lush appearance without the towering stems often associated with other cosmos varieties. Whether you have a small, cozy garden or you’re just looking for an annual eye-catcher, Xsenia fits the bill perfectly.

And here’s the real kicker – Xsenia doesn’t demand any support. That’s right, no need for bamboo sticks or support netting. It’s the ideal choice for gardens exposed to brisk winds. So, if you want vibrant color, early blooms, and easygoing elegance without the hassle, Cosmos Xsenia is your go-to cosmos variety!

Planting information to grow cosmos xsenia from seed

Plant type: Annual flowering
flowers grow 50 to 60 centimeters tall
prefers full sun but will also flower in partial shade
Planting time:
from 4-6 weeks before the last frost in seed trays
Bloom time:
starts 75-90 days after sowing
40 centimeters between each plant
Takes 7-14 days in temperatures of 15-20°C
yes, pinching cosmos (cutting the top of young plants) results in full and bushy plants
June to October, depending on the weather
Pollinator-friendly: Yes, the open flowers are full of pollen
Recommended seed tray or pot: start in 40 deep, if needed pot up to 15 cell or P9 flower pots
The package contains: 50 seeds

Why you should grow cosmos xsenia from seed:

Growing cosmos from seed is very easy. You can directly sow seeds once the soil has warmed up, but plants will flower relatively late in summer. To save space and precious seeds I highly recommend starting seeds in seed trays or pots. Begin sowing your seeds about 4 to 6 weeks before that last frost date comes around. Gently tuck your seeds into the soil, making sure they’re cozied up at around 20°C to encourage speedy sprouting.
After 1 to 2 weeks, you’ll start to see those cute little seedlings poking their heads up. But here’s a pro tip to avoid leggy plants: once those seeds have successfully sprouted, give them a slightly cooler environment. Don’t forget to provide them with plenty of light, as sometimes a windowsill just won’t cut it in providing the brightness these seedlings crave. If you are short of indoor space, sow 2 weeks later and only germinate the seeds indoors. Then, when the last frost has passed, grow them outdoors in a very sunny spot. Once the seedlings are 15cm tall or the cells or pots are full of roots, it’s time to plant out.

Planting and Pruning Tips:

When it comes to planting your cosmos, spacing is key. Make sure to give your seedlings about 40 centimeters of room to thrive.

Now, here’s a nifty trick to really make your cosmos flourish: pinching. Yes, you heard that right! Pinching or pruning your cosmos plants is like giving them a little haircut that works wonders. It’ll encourage these beauties to grow nice and bushy, ensuring a breathtaking display of vibrant flowers. So, don’t be shy – give it a try!

Deadhead the flowers regularly and don’t be afraid to cut back because the plants will reward you with a ton of new growth. Are you a big fan of cosmos, or do you like to start a small cut flower garden? Try a second sowing! With a second sowing, you will be guaranteed to have flourishing cosmos until the first frost.


Weight 5 g
Plant type


Flower height

50 – 60 cm

Plant distance

30 – 40 cm

Days to mature

90 – 100 days

Sun requirements

Full sun or partial sun

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Cosmos Xsenia – 50 seeds


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