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Ranunculus – Silky White – September 2024

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9.95 9.65

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Ranunculus Silk White corms or bulbs

White flowers have a unique charm that evokes feelings of innocence and purity. The delicate white Ranunculus, with its fresh green stems, creates a captivating sight. Just imagine the countless possibilities for combining these white Ranunculus with other spring flowers and blossoms from your garden.

If you’re interested in growing them with some help, we offer a free e-mail course. You can sign up for the October course, the February course, or even both to enhance your gardening experience.

Ranunculus Silky white bulb planting guide
Plant type: half-hardy annual or short-lived perennial
Height: flowers grow 40 – 50 centimeters tall
Position: full sun or partial share
Planting time: autumn and/or late winter
Bloom time: 90-100 days for late winter planting
Spacing: 25-30 centimeters between each plant
Germination: Takes 14 days in temperatures of 10-15°C
Pinching: no, not needed for ranunculus
Flowers: March to June depending on the weather
Package contains: 10, Largest size 5/7 corms
Stems: 3 – 6 stems per plant, with multiple flowers!

Growing Ranunculus ‘Silky white’: Everything You Need to Know

When to Start?

  • Autumn Planting: Suitable for areas with mild winters.
    • In mild winter regions, pre-sprout and directly plant in the garden.
    • In colder regions like The Netherlands, plant in pots and trays and plant out under cover.
    • Protect with horticultural fleece if below -6°C.
  • Late Winter Planting: Ideal for cold, wet climates.
    • Start in January or February using seed trays or P9 pots in a frost-free environment.
    • Once germinated, move them to the light. For example in a greenhouse, under a cold frame, or in a transparent box
    • By mid-March, as weather permits, transfer outdoors for May or June blooming.

If you are growing your ranunculus for the first time, I highly recommend planting half in the autumn and the rest later (if your weather permits)

Planting Tips:

  • Spacing: Keep corms 20-25 cm apart. In flower beds, fit 4 plants in a 75 cm width. Avoid overcrowding pots. As a rule of thumb: one plant per 5 to 7 liter of compost
  • Preparation: Soak dry corms in water for 6 hours to help them expand. Caution: longer soaking risks deterioration.
  • Soil: Use potting soil mixed with perlite for better drainage. Plant with corm “octopus legs” facing down.
  • Storage: After planting in pots or trays, store them in a 10°C to 15°C room. Once sprouts appear, typically in 2 weeks, shift them to a brighter location, preferably in a greenhouse or under a cold frame.
  • Transplanting: When they outgrow their initial pot or tray, move them to larger containers or the garden, ensuring good soil drainage.

Protection & Care:

  • Cold Weather: If temperatures plunge below -8°C, protect your plants with fleece. Ranunculus foliage, dense with water, is vulnerable to frost.
  • Flower Damage: Flowers aren’t frost-resistant. If frozen, trim them, and the plant will focus on new growth.

Harvesting Ranunculus Flowers and bulbs:

  • Wait until the blooms feel soft and bouncy. They’ll further open in vases and can stay fresh for up to 10 days with regular water changes.
  • Save the corms or bulbs for next season by pulling the wilted plants. If you are gardening on sandy soil you can leave them in the ground. They will return in autumn.

If you like to know much more about how to grow ranunculus from bulb or corm, I can highly suggest my comprehensive growing guide in this blog post


Weight 45 g


Plant type

Half-hardy annual

Plant distance

15 – 20 cm

Flower height

45 – 60 cm


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Ranunculus – Silky White – September 2024

9.95 9.65

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