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Strawflower Bright Rose


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High germination rates


Seeds from professional breeders


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Strawflower Bright Rose, Helichrysum bracteatum seeds
Strawflowers are flowers you maybe would not think of first when planning your flower garden. But once they flower you regret not sowing a lot more. The strong and unique shaped flowers work really well on flower arrangements and the new varieties have beautiful colors. If you pick the flowers when they are still closed and hang them upside down to dry they will last ages. The Bright Rose flowers are very dark rose.

Planting information to grow strawflower bright rose from seed:
Plant type: half-hardy annual
Height: 80 – 90 centimeters
Position: full sun
Start: 4-6 weeks before the last frost under glass or after frost outside
Germination: 7-14 days, 20-22°C, need light!
Number of days until plants bloom: 75-90 days
Distance between the plants: 30 cm
Pinching: no
Number of seeds per pack: 200

How to grow Strawflower Bright Rose from seed?
Strawflowers germinate fast, within one to two weeks when the temperature is around 20°C. The seeds need light to germinate so don’t cover the seeds too much. You can use a heat mat when you germinate the seeds in your greenhouse. Don’t start the seeds too early because you can only plant them out after the danger of frost has passed. When you have planted your seedlings outside they require little care. We have never supported the starflowers in our garden but if you grow them as cut flowers closer together you might want to protect them with some support.
Pick the flowers before they have opened for the longest vase life.


Weight 5 g
Plant type

Half-hardy annual

Flower height

80 – 90 cm

Sun requirements

Full sun

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Strawflower Bright Rose


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