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So how do you successfully grow plants from seeds?

Learn more in the video below:

#01 - containers

To start your own seeds you will need a pot, tray, or container. What you choose to start your seed in doesn’t matter, as long as it has good water permeability. It is important that excess water can drain away!

We have seen many starting gardeners making this mistake. Because the water can’t escape, the compost stays too wet and the seeds or seedlings will rot. Wet soil also creates the perfect environment for unwanted fungi. To prevent soggy soil we start everything in these module trays.

But, you can look into that later and first start a few seeds in small pots you can find in your house.

#02 - compost

After you’ve chosen your container it’s time for the compost! We often get asked if a special compost mix is needed but we actually start everything in the standard compost bags from the local garden store (BIO). Don’t be afraid to just get what’s available.

You can buy a seed starter mix if you start a small number of seeds every year. But if you like to grow more the price of the seed starter mix adds up. Therefore we make our own mix. Here is how we do it:

We Sieve compost with 12 or 6 mm sieves and mix play sand and vermiculite until we get the mix we want to use. We mix it on the go until it feels fine and fluffy. 

Vermiculite holds a lot of moisture and slowly releases it when the soil dries out. This allows your plants to be watered more gradually and the nutrients in the soil to be washed away less quickly because they are trapped in the vermiculite.

Fill youe pot, seed tray or container with as much  compost as possible. Compost always loses a lot of volume after watering. 

#03 - seeds

Now that you have done all the preparation it’s time to finally sow your seeds! Whether you want to grow fruits, flowers, or vegetables the quality of your seeds has quite an impact on your harvest. Besides the different varieties to select carefully, you also have to check the expiration date. The fresher the seeds are the higher the germination rate will be!

Besides the expiration date, the packaging also tells you when and how to start seeds. As a rule of thumb, it is best to sow seeds as deep as they are large. Some seeds need light to germinate. Only lightly cover those with a sprinkle of vermiculite or compost.

Sow your seeds in your chosen container

#04 - water

All life needs, or starts with water. As soon as the seeds get wet, in combination with the right temperature the germination starts! Some seedlings appear after a few days while others take it easy. Be patient!

When you sow small seeds or use larger pots, it is easier to first water the compost and then sow your seeds. This way you will know for sure all the compost is wet without washing away your seeds.

Another method is to fill a large tray with water and let the compost suck up the water it needs. This takes more time but all compost is wetted evenly without losing tiny seeds. Sowing on dry compost is also easier, pots are less heavy, and a lot less dirty!

Place your pots on a light spot. for example a very sunny window sill or greenhouse. The seedlings want to grow towards the light. If you do not provide enough light they will keep growing and growing until they look like giraffes and fall over beyond recovery.

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