Course - Introduction
Cursus Introductie
Einführung in den Kurs
Introduction au cours
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Sowing Course
Cursus Introductie
Hoofdstuk 1 | Waarom Voorzaaien
- Meer controle
- Verleng het groeiseizoen
- Minder risico op verlies
- Meer oogst
Hoofdstuk 2 | Essentiële zaken
- Wat kun je zaaien?
- Begin niet te vroeg
- Waar begin je met zaailingen?
- Licht is de bepalende factor
Hoofdstuk 3 | Zaden
- Waar je op moet letten
- Opslag van zaden
Hoofdstuk 4 | Zaaien
- Compost / zaai- en stekgrond
- Kies zaaitray/pot
- Zaaidepte
- Zaaien in de rij
- Verspenen
- Meervoudig zaaien
- Water geven
Hoofdstuk 5 | Groeien
- Waar je het zaaitray plaatst
- Er groeit niets
- Welke temperatuur?
- Water geven, hoe en wanneer?
- Tussentijdse verpotting
Afsluiting van de cursus
- Einde van de cursus
- Bonus: Zaai mee
Kapitel 1 | Warum Vorziehen
- Mehr Kontrolle
- Die Wachstumssaison verlängern
- Geringeres Verlustrisiko
- Mehr Ernte
Kapitel 2 | Grundlagen
- Was können Sie säen?
- Nicht zu früh beginnen
- Wo starten Sie mit Setzlingen?
- Licht ist der entscheidende Faktor
Kapitel 3 | Samen
- Worauf Sie achten sollten
- Samenlagerung
Kapitel 4 | Säen
- Kompost / Anzuchterde
- Wählen Sie das Saatschale/Topf
- Säetiefe
- In der Reihe säen
- Vereinzeln
- Mehrfachsäen
- Gießen
Kapitel 5 | Wachsen
- Wo den Saatschale platzieren
- Nichts wächst
- Welche Temperatur?
- Gießen, wie und wann?
- Zwischenzeitliches Umtopfen
- Ende des Kurses
- Bonus: Gemeinsam säen
Introduction au cours
Chapitre 1 | Pourquoi pré-semer
- Plus de contrôle
- Prolonger la saison de croissance
- Moins de risque de perte
- Plus de récolte
Chapitre 2 | Essentiels
- Que pouvez-vous semer?
- Ne commencez pas trop tôt
- Où démarrer les semis?
- La lumière est le facteur déterminant
Chapitre 3 | Graines
- À quoi faire attention
- Stockage des graines
Chapitre 4 | Semis
- Compost / terreau pour semis
- Sélectionner le plateau de semis/pot
- Profondeur de semis
- Semer en ligne
- Repiquage
- Semis multiples
- Arrosage
Chapitre 5 | Croissance
- Où placer le plateau de semis
- Rien ne pousse
- Quelle température?
- Arroser, comment et quand?
- Rempotage intermédiaire
Fin du cours
- Fin du cours
- Bonus : Semer ensemble
Course Introduction
Chapter 1 | Why pre-sow
- More control
- Extend the growing season
- Less risk of loss
- More harvest
Chapter 2 | Essentials
- What can you sow?
- Don't start to early
- Where do you start seedlings?
- Light is the determining factor
Chapter 3 | Seeds
- What to look out for
- Storage of seeds
Chapter 4 | Sowing
- Compost / seedling soil
- Select seed tray/pot
- Sowing depth
- Sowing in the line
- Pricking out
- Multisowing
- Watering
Chapter 5 | Growing
- Where to put the seed tray
- Nothing is growing
- What temperature?
- Watering, how and when?
- Intermediate repotting
Course ending
- Ending of the course
- Bonus: Sow along
FREE Online Sowing Course
No registration required
Discover the secrets to a flourishing garden with our comprehensive Sowing Course, tailored to gardeners of all levels. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or just starting, our course offers in-depth insights into everything from seed selection to harvest.
Why Choose Our Sowing Course?
Gardening is not just about throwing seeds into the soil; it's an art that requires knowledge, patience, and the right techniques. Here’s why our course stands out:
- Expert-Designed Modules: Each module of our course focuses on a critical aspect of sowing:
- Interactive Learning Experience: With our blend of video tutorials, downloadable guides, and live Q&A sessions, you'll gain hands-on knowledge and can clarify your doubts in real time.
- Innovative Seed Tray Technology: Learn to use our new, durable seed trays that guarantee ease of use and compatibility with your existing garden setup. These trays represent a leap in gardening technology, combining robust construction with ease of use to ensure your seeds sprout successfully and grow into healthy plants.
Who Benefits from This Course?
This course is designed for anyone looking to improve their gardening skills, from homeowners with their first patch of soil to professional landscapers looking to refine their techniques. It’s particularly beneficial for those interested in organic gardening and sustainable practices.
Course Highlights
- Detailed Video Demonstrations: Watch as our expert demonstrate techniques in real-time.
- Short and Concise: No words are wasted, learn sowing in 25 minutes.
- Sow Along: The bonus "sow along" video will guide you on how to sow your seeds.
Watch the video's above and become an expert
Ready to start sowing like a pro? Start today and turn your gardening aspirations into reality. With our expert guidance, you’ll not only grow plants, but you’ll cultivate a new passion for the green world.