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Plant Surge Magnetic Growth Booster – Descale tap water

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Plant Surge: Make your plants boost with growth

When we were first introduced to Plant Surge, a magnetic tool that transforms your tap water, I was a tad skeptical. Honestly, it sounded too good to be true. But as more and more fellow gardeners began sharing their positive experiences, my skepticism started to wane.

Here’s my personal journey: My indoor plants initially thrived on regular tap water. The fresh soil and roomier pots had them bursting with life. But that initial euphoria faded as I watched their health decline month after month. Despite my best efforts, adding nutrients and whatnot, the culprit remained elusive. Then, the revelation hit me. The issue wasn’t what I was adding, but what I was using: the tap water. A white, fungal-like residue started forming atop the soil, hinting at our tap water’s excessive mineral content. Shockingly, we had one of the hardest tap waters in the entire country, affecting not just the water’s pH but the soil’s too.

That’s where Plant Surge steps in. It’s not based on some mystical premise; it’s backed by simple science. Adjusting the hardness of your tap water, ensures your plants get the best water quality to thrive! If you like to read more about Plant Surge, and the various reviews I can suggest you this blog post.

Product specifications
Plant Surge is molded with 34% recycled ocean plastic!
It can fit different pipe size diameters from 12 mm to 25 mm



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Plant Surge Magnetic Growth Booster – Descale tap water


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